
In the grand history of the cosmos, more than thirteen thousand million years old, our Earth is replicated elsewhere. But maybe there is another way of seeing this world. If any small variation arises-they look this way, you look that way-suddenly maybe everything changes and now you begin to wonder, what else is different? Well, one might say that you have an exact mirror image that is suddenly shattered and there’s a new reality. And therein lies the opportunity and the mystery. What else? What new? What now?” Richard Berendzen

This sounds like a child attached to a conspiracy that might give him life but none of it is, as I mentioned previously how People Lose Things  and straight forward it could be, to regain that part of yourself that you find you’ve lost. The question asked often is, if you could speak to a younger version of yourself, would the you then be proud or disappointed? Knowing how much of a fool I am I’d probably idolize myself; see myself as the person i wanted to be rather than the actual person I present myself as. There’s a bittersweet irony about being this self-aware, to know that you’re truly unfulfilled. I’ve spoken often about being the change you want to see and how you should fall in love with the things that could destroy you just to be happy to live through it.

It’s not always as easy as that, sometimes you have to force yourself to get better, to be better. To be the person that allows themselves to be who you would’ve looked up to all those years ago. It’s so easy to try to blame genetics or ‘nature vs nurture’ but at the end of the day it’s all down to you. In the end, you dig yourself the hole you’re in and sometimes it’s ok to know that someone else should hand you the shovel. It’s also worth noting the people who are more prepared to bury you than help you out; the enablers and the bad influences. In medical terms, you would see these people as a necrotic foot, you have a choice, do you let the infection spread or do you cut the foot off? Can you live without the foot? is it essential to your survival?

The answer is no. You can live without those people who make things worse, you can live without the foot. Often, it’s a daunting task to even think about living without someone who once helped you get through certain times but the truth is that you have to. Self-care is just as important as caring for others and anyone who denies you that shouldn’t be given the time of day.  You need to remember that just because it hurts, it doesn’t mean it isn’t worth it. If it stings, it’s just temporary and the people you’ll have left behind are either going to support your decision or be bitter about it and quite frankly, it’s none of your concern. Be selfish but don’t take away from others, be self-aware but don’t be conceited or cocky, be thoughtful but not judgemental and be mindful of others feelings but don’t use them as a tool. Just be a good human, it really is that easy.

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